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Online catalogue

Discover the online selection of GAM artworks

Only a selection of the collections is published on this website, not the complete catalogue. We inform visitors that not all the works in the online catalogue are currently exhibited in the galleries. For more specific information on a work you cannot find online or to find out if a work you have found online is currently on display, please contact the museum
Artist films and videos
Die Zweiheit der Natur

Die Zweiheit der Natur

Artist films and videos


Artist films and videos
Die süße nummer: ein konsumerlebnis

Die süße nummer: ein konsumerlebnis

Artist films and videos
DELTA. Ein Stück

DELTA. Ein Stück

Artist films and videos
Body Tape

Body Tape

Artist films and videos
Body Politics

Body Politics

Artist films and videos
Adjungierte Dislokationem II

Adjungierte Dislokationem II

Artist films and videos


Artist films and videos
Homometer II

Homometer II

Artist films and videos
Haucht: Liebesgedicht

Haucht: Liebesgedicht

Artist films and videos
Sehtext: Fingergedicht

Sehtext: Fingergedicht

Nineteenth century
Asfissia! (parte sinistra)

Asfissia! (parte sinistra)

Artist films and videos
The Commission

The Commission

Artist films and videos
Art of Memory

Art of Memory

Artist films and videos
Pensavo di essere un lupo

Pensavo di essere un lupo

Artist films and videos
Self Poured Traits

Self Poured Traits

Artist films and videos
Reeling in Tv Time

Reeling in Tv Time

Artist films and videos
After Laughter

After Laughter

Artist films and videos
Face concert

Face concert

Artist films and videos
Mirrored reason

Mirrored reason

Artist films and videos
Color fields left II

Color fields left II

Artist films and videos
Color fields left I

Color fields left I

Artist films and videos
Kino Pravda Enthusiasm

Kino Pravda Enthusiasm

Artist films and videos
Time without example

Time without example

Artist films and videos
Pupa quae etiam carne humana vecitur

Pupa quae etiam carne humana vecitur

Artist films and videos
Senza titolo

Senza titolo

Artist films and videos
God save the Queen

God save the Queen

Discover also



Video library

Video library
